Nfield Code Version 1.1

Teaming Considerations

In Nfield Code 1.1, teaming is a fully off-line process. Therefore teaming comes with a number of precautions you need to take into account before splitting the teaming job.

The main limitation is that you can not make changes to the Question Details in either the main project file or in the teaming files for any question for which at least one open-ended answers was exported. This includes:

  • Changing details such as the question coding type, the maximum number of allowed codes, translations, the autocoding search keys and the question export setting
  • Adding, editing, deleting, merging or translating the Code Frames
  • Adding, removing, or creating new shares for Code Frames
  • Importing or exporting Code Frames of questions related to exported open-ended answers.

It is therefore important that you have completed your Code Frame and Question configuration and your translations well in advance of making it available for teaming.

See Also