Nfield Code Version 1.1

Working with Questions and Code Frames

This section deals with aspects in managing questions and their related Code Frames.

Question Details

The question details determine the question's coding and export behaviours. The Code Frame is the list of codes and their corresponding labels associated with the question. Managing the Code Frame is a focal point in the coding process and covers the majority of this section.

The Code Frame is initially created from the question from the fieldwork data if the question had any pre-defined codes. Code Frames can also be created on the fly within the coding project. A Code Frame can be used for a single question, but it can also be shared between questions, allowing changes to the Code Frame to reflect in more than one question. In addition, Code Frames can be exported and imported for reuse in different coding projects.

The question details can only be managed from the Question Details Screen. The Code Frame can be modified in both the Question Details Screen and in the Code Screen, while coding the project.

In This Chapter