Nfield Code Version 1.1

Selecting Your Working Base

Nfield Code offers a selection-based approach to coding, question detail reviewing and teaming exports. Each screen in the Question, Respondent and Answer overviews provides an additional set of selections and filters that ultimately make up your working base, the selection of open-ended answers through which you navigate during coding as well as your selection for translations and teaming.

If you need more fine-tuned selections, you can apply filtering to get a subset of the current grid before applying the selection.

To select your working base

  1. Click the record you wish to select. To select multiple records, press and hold SHIFT or CTRL.
  2. Press on the relevant button for your next action.

If you do not select any records, all records in the grid are automatically selected.

On each of the overview screens there are a number of buttons. Below is a description of where your selection is taken and how it is used.

On the Question Overview

Button What it does

Question Details or Icon Question Details

Takes you to the Question Details Screen of the first selected question. Navigation in the Question Details Screen goes through all selected questions

Uncode Selection

Uncodes all open-ended answers of the selected questions

Autocode Selection

Autocodes all open-ended answers of the selected questions

Start Coding or Icon Code Screen

Takes you to the Code Screen for the first answer of the first question of the selection. Navigation in the Code Screen goes through all open-ended answers per question in the selection

See Answers or Icon Answer Overview

Takes you to the Answer Overview, displaying all answers to the selected questions

Icon Teaming File

Takes you to the Respondent Overview, displaying all respondents that answered the selected questions

Icon Export to NFS

Allows you, on request, to export coded answers of the selected questions to the NIPO Fieldwork System

Icon Export Teaming File

Exports a teaming project of all open-ended answers of the selected questions

On the Respondent Overview

Button What it does

Uncode Selection

Uncodes all open-ended answers of the selected respondents

Autocode Selection

Autocodes all open-ended answers of the selected respondents

Start Coding or Icon Code Screen

Takes you to the Code Screen for the first answer of the first respondent of the selection. Navigation in the Code Screen goes through all open-ended answers per respondent in the selection

See Answers or Icon Answer Overview

Takes you to the Answer Overview, displaying all answers of the selected respondents

Icon Question Overview

Takes you to the Question Overview. The current selection is not applied - the Question Overview displays all questions

Icon Question Details

Takes you to the Question Details Screen of the first question of the first selected respondent. Navigation in the Question Details Screen goes through all questions that the selected respondents have answered

Icon Export to NFS

Allows you to export coded answers of the selected respondents and their questions to the NIPO Fieldwork System

Icon Export Teaming File

Exports a teaming project of all open-ended answers of the selected respondents

On the Answer Overview

Button What it does

Translate View

Opens the Translate View for the first open-ended answer in the selection. Navigation goes through all open-ended answers in the grid, not in the selection


Uncodes all selected open-ended answers


Autocodes all selected open-ended answers

Start Coding or Icon Code Screen

Takes you to the Code Screen for the first answer of the selection. Navigation in the Code Screen goes through all open-ended answers in the selection

Icon Question Overview

Takes you to the Question Overview. The current selection is not applied - the Question Overview displays all questions

Icon Teaming File

Takes you to the Respondent Overview, displaying all respondents that answered the previously selected questions. The selection in the Answer Overview is not applied

Icon Question Details

Takes you to the Question Details Screen of the first question of the first selected open-ended answer. Navigation in the Question Details Screen goes through all questions of the selected open-ended answers

Icon Export to NFS

Allows you to export codings of the selected open-ended answers to the NIPO Fieldwork System

Icon Export Teaming File

Exports a teaming project of all selected open-ended answers

See Also