Nfield Code Version 1.1
Answer Overview
If no filters are applied, the Answer Overview displays all answers of either the questions selected in the Question Overview or all answers of respondents selected in the Respondent Overview. The overview offers feedback on the progress of coding based on open-ended answers, as well as a number of properties for each open-ended answer. Click to display the Answer Overview.
![Answer Overview](1355.png)
In alphabetical order, the grid contains the following information. Note that some of these fields may not be visible depending on the column configuration.
Answer Text The actual text of the answer. In the case of a bitmap answer an (img) icon is displayed, for voice-recorded answers a play button is displayed.
Autocoded Specifies whether the answer was autocoded as opposed to manually coded.
Bookmarked Specifies whether the answer has been bookmarked for review.
Codings All codes by number, as coded for the answer, separated by semi-colons.
Interviewer Ref A unique number identifying the interviewer that interviewed the respondent. In the case of a web interview the value is 00000000.
Labels All codes by label, as coded for the answer, separated by semi-colons.
Locked For Teaming Specifies whether the answer is locked for teaming. When an answer is locked, it cannot be coded nor can you make any modifications to the question details or the Code Frame belonging to the question until the teaming files have been re-imported into the main project file. The values are:
Not Locked
None of the answers to this question have been locked for teaming
Only some answers to this question have been locked for teaming purposes
All answers to the question have been locked for teaming
Max Codes Allowed The maximum number of answer codes that can be given for a single answer for the corresponding question.
Over Max Codes Allowed Specifies whether the number of codings for this answer is higher than the maximum amount of codings specified for this question.
Partially Coded Specifies whether the answer has been marked as partially coded.
Question Coding Type Specifies how the question corresponding to this answer may be coded. The values are:
Only one code may be given for open-ended answers from this question
Multiple codes may be given for open-ended answers from this question, up until a maximum if one is specified
Do Not Code
The question is blocked for coding
Question Key The question key for the question corresponding to this answer, as applied in the original questionnaire. The key comes in three different formats:
Fully open-ended question n
Semi open-ended question n with codes, of which code c was open-ended
Open-ended question n containing audio recordings
Question Name The question export name for the question corresponding to this answer, as it was specified in the export from the NIPO Fieldwork System. This is defined by the ODIN script command *VAR .
Question Text The question text for the question corresponding to this answer.
Question Type The question type for the question corresponding to this answer, as it was defined in the questionnaire script. The values are:
The original question had one or more codes and an open-ended code. Only one answer could be given to the question
The original question had one or more codes and an open-ended code. More answers could be given to the question
The question was fully open-ended, no discrete codes were available for the question
The answers to the question have been recorded as audio
Appointment Note
The open-ended answers are strictly appointment notes specified by interviewers in CATI or Face-to-Face fieldwork
Note To Question
The open-ended answer was specified on a question that did not have an option to give open-ended answers
Respondent Language The original language the respondent gave this answer in.
Respondent Ref A unique number identifying the respondent in this survey.
Shared Code Frame The name of the shared Code Frame for the corresponding question, if any was used.
Translated Answer Text The translated answer for the selected working language if a translation was made.
Update Date Date and time when the open-ended answer was last coded.
Update User The name of the user who last coded the open-ended answer.