Nfield Code Version 1.1


Autocoding is a process in which Nfield Code automatically selects the appropriate codes in the Code Frame for an open-ended answer. It does this by matching parts of the open-ended answer text against one or more search keys specified for a code in the Code Frame. Autocoding can either

  • Make suggestions for codes during your coding process. You can choose to take over (parts of) the suggestion
  • Automatically code entire sets of open-ended answers in a selection.

Due to its nature, autocoding is particularly useful for Code Frames consisting of names such as brands. Several search keys may be given to catch synonyms, acronyms, typos and various levels of bad spelling on behalf of the interviewer or the respondent. For obvious reasons, autocoding only takes place for open-ended text answers, although the text translations of audio recordings and bitmaps can also be autocoded. Search keys may even be provided for different languages.

To enable autocoding, you are advised to set up a Code Frame that is considerably complete for its purpose. Note that autocoding does not make the assumption that the Code Frame's code label can be used as a search key. For each code in the Code Frame that you wish to have autocoded, you can specify one or more search keys to match.

Take care when autocoding multiple open-ended answers. Autocoding is a useful but ultimately brainless matching method. It does no interpretation of the actual answer, so it easily misses negations. For example, a question that says "What is favorite kind of fruit" with an answer like "Anything but bananas" will happily code bananas if the word was used as a search key for autocoding.

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