Nfield Code Version 1.1

Adding Search Keys for Autocoding

Search keys for autocoding need to be added to the Code Frame of a question to enable the autocoding capabilities.

You can also set autocode search keys on the fly when coding, and set search keys for translations.

To add autocode search keys

  1. First select the Code Frame to add autocoding search keys for. Go to the Question Overview (press Icon Question Overview) and select one or more questions for which you wish to set autocoding search keys.
  2. Go to the Question Details (press Icon Question Details).
  3. In the Code Frame grid, click on the code for which you wish to add autocode search keys:

    Select Code For Autocode Search Key
  4. In the Search Keys grid, first select the search key type you wish to set. Note that a single code may have both Standard and RegEx search keys, and that you might want to set both:

    Select Autocode Type
  5. The left edit box displays the autocode keys for the default language. Enter the search keys in the edit box. Specify one search key on each line:

    Autocode Search Keys
  6. Repeat the process from step 3 for all codes in the Code Frame.
  7. To move to a different question in the selection, use the navigation buttons in the top-right corner or press CTRL+LEFT and CTRL+RIGHT.

See Also