Nfield Code Version 1.1

User Interface

This tab configures various settings with regard to the Nfield Code interface.

Options - User Interface

The application interface language. Currently only English is available.

Defines a color and font scheme for the look and feel of the application. The default is NIPO Silver.

Large Toolbar Icons
Enlarges the toolbar buttons when checked.

Show Toolbar Text
Enables or disables footer texts for the toolbar images.

Warn when uncoding answers
Sets whether Nfield Code displays a warning when codings are removed from answers.

Warn when uncoding from multiple to single codes
Sets whether Nfield Code displays a warning when a question is recoded from multiple to single. This may happen when the question type is changed.

Warn when merging codes
Sets whether Nfield Code displays a warning when codes are merged. Merging recodes a question and cannot be undone.

See Also