Nfield Code Version 1.1

Linking to a Code Frame

You can link any question to a shared Code Frame, allowing multiple questions to use the same Code Frame.

To link a question to a shared Code Frame

  1. Navigate to the Question Details Screen for the question for which you wish to link a Code Frame.
  2. Click Select Code Frame. A dialog appears:

    Link Code Frame

    The dialog lists all shared Code Frames currently in use by the code project.
  3. At the Shared code frames, select the shared Code Frame you wish to use for the current question. Questions sharing selected Code Frame lists all questions using the currently selected Code Frame. Code frame details lists the actual Code Frame contents of the selected Code Frame.
  4. Click Select to use the selected Code Frame.

The existing Code Frame for the question is deleted or unlinked if it was shared. The open-ended answers to the question are uncoded entirely. It is recommended set the shared Code Frame to use in relatively early stages of coding.

See Also