NIPO ODIN Version 5.17

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CSS File Details

The first element inserted in the template is a <table> tag that holds all the other generated elements. This table gets the class selectors odinfontnumber-0 and odinquestion while it also gets an id with value odinquestion-{question-identifier} where question-identifier consists of survey-name, sub-survey identifier if applicable, and question number. This <table> also has the following attributes set; width with value 100%, cellpadding, with value 0 and cellspacing with value 0.

Inside this <table> is a <tbody> without any selectors, inside which are two <tr> tags, also without selectors. These two <tr> tags both contain a single <td> tag. These <td> tags both have a dir attribute with a value of either rtl or ltr and an align attribute with a value of either right or left. Both of these values are determined by the current survey's BiDi setting; rtl and right for bi-directional reading and ltr and left in all other cases.

The first of the mentioned <td> tags contain a <div> tag with a class selector odinpreviousquestion. This <div> is empty unless a *NCLS was used previous to the current question, in which case it contains a representation of the previous screen(s).

The second <td> tag contains a <form> tag, inside which is a <div> tag with a class selector odincurrentquesion and which contains the generated HTML for the current question.

Finally the <form> tag contains another <div> tag with a class selector odinbuttonpanel containing an <input> tag for each button that needs to be displayed on screen.

See Also