NIPO ODIN Version 5.17
CSS for Progress Bar
For the progress bar some additional tags are automatically generated within the <head> tag of the template. These consist of a single <style> tag with values for four individual CSS class-selectors. These selectors are odinprogress-completed , odinprogress-remaining , odinprogress-completed-vertical and odinprogress-remaining-vertical .
The following (partial) example shows the complete tag as it would be generated for an interview that has been completed for 41%.
Example of tag with ODIN Progress bar
<style> <!-- .odinprogress-completed { width: 41%; } .odinprogress-remaining { width: 59%; } .odinprogress-completed-vertical { height: 41%; } .odinprogress-remaining-vertical { height: 59%; } --> </style>
And this would apply to the following HTML code:
Result in HTML code
<table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="1" width="100%"> <tr> <td height="20" align="center"> <table border="1" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="25%" bgcolor="#c88a00"> <tr> <td style="height: 20px;" class="odinprogress-completed" bgcolor="#666666"></td> <td class="odinprogress-remaining" bgcolor="#f1b200"></td> </tr> </table> </td> </tr> </table>
The selectors odinprogress-completed and odinprogress-remaining are meant to be used for horizontal progress indicators, while odinprogress-completed-vertical and odinprogress-remaining-vertical are meant for vertical indicators.
Progress bar selectors
part of the progress bar that shows how much is already completed
part of the progress bar that shows how much is already completed (vertical)
part of the progress bar that shows how much is remaining
part of the progress bar that shows how much is remaining (vertical)