NIPO ODIN Version 5.17

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Characteristics for Question Elements

Of each question element the following characteristics can be manipulated:

  1. Font type
  2. Font size
  3. Color
  4. Horizontal position (left aligned, centered, right aligned)
  5. Vertical position (top, centered, bottom)
  6. Button size
  7. Button skin
  8. Button behavior
  9. Button location

In order to reach such an elaborated control over the layout of the question, a large number of selectors are placed within the generated HTML code. These selectors can be divided into three groups:

  1. Default selectors. These are attributes generated with each question.
  2. Question selectors. These are attributes related to the type of question.
  3. Independent selectors. These are attributes that have no link to the type of question or are separate from the default attributes.

In addition, a sequence of attribute selectors is created. For example, a code question with 4 options will result in:

  1. An attribute for each individual option (1 to 4)
  2. A general attribute for all options
  3. An attribute for all even options (2 and 4)
  4. An attribute for all odd options (1 and 3)
  5. An attribute for the first option (1)
  6. An attribute for the last option (4)

All these placed selectors allow you to alter the layout of the question in every possible way. If you like to change color per option, add an indent or any other requirement, it can be created with these selectors.

The NIPO HTML Generator does not syntax-check the attributes and properties in CSS files.

See Also