NIPO ODIN Version 5.17

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CSS for Questions

Every question, independent of the type, is made up of a <table> inside the <div class="odincurrentquestion"> tag. This table doesn't have any selectors, but does have the following attributes; width with value 100%, cellpadding with value 0 and cellspacing with value 0.

Inside this <table> tag is a <tbody> tag without any selectors or attributes. The contents of this <tbody> tag depends entirely on the definition of the current question inside the questionnaire, but here are a few pointers; every line of text (identified by a CR/LF in the script) is represented by a <tr> tag without any selectors. Individual pieces of text on the same line can be separated by tabs. For each tab character encountered a new table cell is defined using a <td> tag with a class selector depending on the current tab-settings and tab-count.

See Also