NIPO ODIN Version 5.17



Specifies a question as a multiple coded question.


*MULTI [[pos]L<length>|<pos>]


Specifies a question as a multiple coded question. This command may be used in combination with a closed question, an open question or a *SCALE field in a *FORM question and must be specified after these commands on the same line. The length of the data field specification for *CODES has to be at least as long as the highest code value in the set of presented codes. The answers is stored as a string of 0 and 1 values in the data file with the closed answers. Here answer code n corresponds with the ntth position in the string. A 1 on that position means that the answer was given.

  • If *MULTI is used in combination with *OPEN, the question will be regarded as a multiple answer question when coding open answers.
  • If *MULTI is used in combination with *GRID, the grid-question will be regarded as multiple and more than one box may be selected in both horizontal and vertical direction.
  • If *MULTI is used in combination with a *SCALE in a *FORM question, it creates a multiple-answer check-box.


An optional data field specification where the order of the mentions is stored in the data file with the closed answers.

The number of codes of which the order will be saved is dependent of the length in the data field specification. This has to be just as long as the number of codes to be saved multiplied by the number of digits for the highest code. If the data field is shorter codes may be truncated.

IN NIPO CAWI, the order of mentions is marked by numbers as the respondent selects the answers.


To specify a maximum number of answers to be mentioned, use *MAX.



What PC makes do you know?

1: Acer
2: Compaq
3: Dell
4: Hewlett Packard
5: IBM
6: Philips
9: Other *OPEN
10: Don’t know *NMUL

In this example, all mentions are stored in position 61L10. The order of the first three answers mentioned is stored in position 71L6. For instance, if the categories 5, 1, 6 and 4 are mentioned, position 71L2 will hold the value 05, position 73L2 will hold the value 01 and position 75L2 will hold the value 06.

See Also