Nfield Code Version 1.1

Filtering the Working Base

In the Code Screen you review open-ended answers based on the selected working base. On top of this selection, you can specify an additional filter that specifies the state of the open-ended answers you wish to review. For example, you can select to review only uncoded open-ended answers or only coded ones.

To filter the working base

  1. Click on the Filter drop-down:

    Workbase Filter
  2. Select the appropriate filter. Nfield Code displays the first open-ended answer in the selection that fits the filter.

Navigation now moves through all open-ended answers under this filter.

The following selections can be made:

Filter Effect


Navigate through all open-ended answers within the selection regardless of their state of coding


Navigate only through fully coded open-ended answers

Coded and partially coded

Navigate through all open-ended answers that have been partly or fully coded


Navigate through all open-ended answers that have not yet received any coding

Uncoded and partially coded

Navigate through all open-ended answers that are uncoded or have been set to partially coded

Partially coded

Navigate through all open-ended answers that have been set to partially coded

See Also