Nfield Code Version 1.1

Uncoding Multiple Open-Ended Answers

In exceptional cases, for example such as where autocoding did not yield the required result, you may find yourself in a situation where entire selections of open-ended answers need to be uncoded. You can choose to uncode answers one by one, but this is a tiresome process - especially if it is not necessary to review the open-ended answers before uncoding.

You can automatically uncode entire selections from the Question, Respondent and Answer overviews. For example, you may choose to uncode all answers to a particular question or the answers of one or more respondents.

To uncode a selection of open-ended answers

  1. In any of the overview screens, apply grid filters and selections to select the set of open-ended answers that need to be uncoded.
  2. Press Uncode Selection.

Note that uncoding cannot be undone. You are recommended to save your changes before proceeding, or to close your code project file without saving to avoid losing precious coding efforts.

See Also