NIPO Fieldwork System Version 1.14

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The NIPO CATI / Web Master keeps contact log information, interviewer information, interviewer log and survey details in database tables.

Storage in files is discouraged as this information is not accessible to NIPO FMS users.

An ODBC connection is used to access the database. An ODBC connection pre-configures the SQL server location and database to use. All dialogs refer to the ODBC connections that have been set up on the NIPO CATI / Web Master.

Connecting the database, the table and the fields consists of the following steps:

  1. Selecting the item (contact log, interviewer, interviewer log or survey)
  2. Selecting the ODBC use referencing the database
  3. Selecting the required table
  4. For each field in the table, selecting the field

During configuration, the NIPO CATI / Web Master automatically displays field that match the internal names as well as the type in the drop-down menus. Check the automatically selected names before accepting the changes.

When no field name is configured, the NIPO CATI / Web Master attempts to use the default name!

See Also